Students who earn this badge know how to find a book in the library by using the zones of the library, the Dewey Decimal System, and the online catalog. AASL/Common Core Standards
1. Zones of the Library
- Watch this video to learn about the Zones of the Library. Take notes. Focus on the types of books in each zone and how they are organized.
- Take the Zones of the Library quiz. You may use your notes.
2. Dewey Decimal System
- Watch this video about the Dewey Decimal System. You don't need to take detailed notes. Focus on understanding the big picture of the 10 categories. Remember there are posters in the nonfiction area that will help you use the Dewey Decimal System.
- Choose one of the Dewey projects to complete:
- Write the 10 Dewey Categories - write the title and call number of one book from each of the 10 categories.
- Wordle 1 Dewey Category - create a Wordle from exploring one Dewey Decimal category in depth.
- Watch this video tutorial on how to search the library's online catalog.
- Complete this worksheet using the library's online catalog.
Book Parts
Students who earn this badge know how to use the parts of the book to locate information quickly and efficiently. AASL/Common Core Standards
1. Identifying Parts of a Book
Using the parts of the book will help you find information quickly and organize your reading, too. This is especially helpful with non-fiction books that have a lot of information.
- Watch this BrainPOP, Jr. movie, Reading Non-Fiction. You will need to login to view the movie. Ask Mrs. Whitt if you forgot the username and password.
- Take one of the quizzes at the bottom of the video (easy or hard).
2. Create a Parts of a Book Worksheet
- Use the library catalog or the Dewey Decimal system to find a non-fiction book that interests you. The book you choose must have a table of contents, a glossary, and an index.
- Create a worksheet with questions that can only be answered by using the table of contents, glossary, and index. You can write your worksheet by hand or use Word on one of the library computers to create your worksheet.
Your worksheet must include: - at least 5 questions
- at least one question for each part of the book: the title page, table of contents, glossary, and index.
- Make two copies - one with the answers and a blank one to give to another student.
- Swap your worksheet with another student.
- Try to complete your partner's worksheet. Make notes about any questions you have on their work sheet.
- Grade the other student's attempt on your worksheet.
- Keep your finished worksheets in your folder - a blank copy of the one you created with the answer sheet and the graded copy of the worksheet created by the other student that you completed.
Book Reviewer
Students who earn this badge know how to identify key elements of character, plot, and genre to write a good book trailer.
AASL/Common Core Standards
1. Review book genres, characters, and plots.
- Watch this video to review genres:
- Play the character, plot, and genre board games (choose from the black cart) to demonstrate that you understand genres, character, and plot.
2. What is a Book Trailer?
4. Write your Book Trailer Script (you may work with a partner, but you both must have read the book)
- Download this PowerPoint Tutorial to help you write your own book trailer. You need to save the presentation to your student folder. Make sure you add your name to the file name. Open the PowerPoint in Presentation Mode to watch and interact with the tutorial.
- Ask another student to use this script checklist to review your book trailer script.
- Make changes and revisions, as needed.
- Send your finished script (the PowerPoint file) to me in the WGS Dropittome account (Tutorial for iPad/Tutorial for PC).
5. Produce Your Book Trailer
- Record your book trailer using one of the following:
- Animoto - Tutorial
- Fotobabble - Tutorial
- Ask another student to use this book trailer checklist to review your book trailer.
- Make changes and revisions as needed.
- Send your finished work to me on the WGS Dropittome account (Tutorial for iPad/Tutorial for PC).
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