Talking About Books Thursday: YouTube Founders

What would it be like to create something so ubiquitous that less than 10 years after its creation, it's hard to imagine the world before it existed?  I guess you could ask Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, or Jawed Karim.  Read this book for a brief glimpse into their early life, how they met, and what each contributed to the creation of the entertainment, information, and educational powerhouse that is YouTube.  

The serendipity of how they all met makes you wonder what would have happened if they hadn't all crossed paths.  This is a great story of collaboration, the importance of art and business acumen in the success of what many of us think of in terms of its technological impact. 

I had to grab this one out of the book return box before reshelving it.  Kids love YouTube as much as the rest of us.  They are also very interested in reading about the lives of people who created the technology that they love.  I'm still waiting to snag the bio of the iPod creator when it comes back through the library!


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