Up Late Working on Makerspace Projects

This Week, WGS 4th-6th graders learned about the Makerspace project options available to them this semester.  I'm happy to say, there were lots of enthusiastic responses, and a good deal of variety in the choices they made.

Here's a look at what I presented to them:

The music teacher and I are collaborating on a few lessons this year, so she was working with me when I introduced the options to the 6th graders.  She said, "You have all those things available to them in the library?!"  Yes, yes, we do!  (Thank you, Voya Unsung Heroes, SLJ/LEGO, Donor's Choose, NEA, PPG, and code.org)

I'm up late sorting out the team assignments, filling in their projected schedule (helps all of us keep track of where we should be, but we know it's just a best guess right now), creating their blog pages for instructions and guidance, and uploading the tutorials they will need.  After all, I can't help everyone troubleshoot when they are working on as many as 8 different projects in one 40 minute session! 

Their work will be great.  You'll see!


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